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Miklos Philips
Verified Expert in Design

Miklos is a UX designer, product design strategist, author, 在设计领域拥有超过18年经验的演讲者.



Financial Times

在竞争激烈的市场中充斥着各种相似的产品, 很容易看出,专注于用户体验的产品是如何成为一个关键的竞争优势的.

When considering the ROI of UX, 我们大多数人都听过这句话:“花在用户体验上的每一美元都会带来2到100美元的回报.” To prove this point, 近年来,几家知名的研究公司做了各种行业研究,显示了投资用户体验的积极投资回报率.

Companies like Airbnb, Mint, Uber, Google, 和苹果的成功很大程度上归功于他们以用户为中心的设计方法, 毫无疑问,卓越的用户体验将达到顶峰.

Ultimately, it’s about human engagement. 像苹果这样的大公司会设想(或预测)这种互动可能会是什么样子, 然后创造设备和软件来利用这些体验.

Designing exceptional UX isn’t a walk in the park. It starts with “knowing your user.” Sounds simple enough, right? It isn’t. What does the ubiquitous, “know your user” mean? 这意味着你要做研究,深入挖掘,为人们解决现实世界的问题.

Aside from that, 产品的用户体验和市场成功取决于许多其他变量:可取性, functionality, speed and performance, ease-of-use, visual aesthetics, clarity, simplicity and usability, structure and navigation, human psychology, accessibility, to name but a few.

在上面的视频中,Jesse James garrett指出“用户体验设计是关于 engagement.“这与特定的产品、应用或网站无关. 它是关于人类互动发生之前、期间和之后发生的事情.

Billions are lost by business due to poor UX. As outlined in a previous article 是时候聘请UX专家了, 通常只有当产品没有达到预期,船已经下沉时才会出现这种情况, that a UX expert is called in to patch the leaks, 抓住舵,把船扶正. 不幸的是,可能为时已晚,因为产品已经失去了光泽.

US-based full-time freelance UX designers wanted

Recent findings 弗雷斯特研究公司的一项研究表明,一个精心设计的, 无摩擦的用户体验设计可以潜在地提高客户转化率 up to 400%. 随着公司利益相关者开始认识到它对企业的影响 ROI of their online products, user experience (UX) is becoming more mainstream, 并且不再被简单地视为一种竞争优势, but 对公司利润有重要贡献的人.

在这个饱和的数字环境中,人们变得越来越苛刻和精通数字, 为了快速获得他们的信任并确保他们的忠诚度,应用以用户为中心的设计是非常必要的. 产品团队和设计师孤立地创造产品,而不考虑真正的最终用户 not going to succeed.

UCD, 以用户为中心的设计过程——用于优秀的ux——确保了正确的内容, features, 功能都在正确的地方呈现, at the right time, in the right way, providing optimum user experiences, effortless interaction, and ultimately business benefits. 请注意——忽略下面信息图中的统计数据和见解,你将面临危险.


Understanding the basics

  • How do you define UX?

    UX stands for user experience. UX design attempts to deliver the right solution, in the right way, 在合适的时间,让人们在使用产品时感到愉悦. 用户体验设计是基于以用户为中心的设计和设计思维的原则.

  • What does a UX designer do?

    用户体验设计师是站在别人的角度思考问题的大师, understanding what those users’ needs are, 并发展能够实现他们目标的旅程. 他们利用自己的能力来理解复杂的问题,并利用同理心来创造基于他们发现的机会的价值.

  • What is the UX design process?

    UX设计过程采用以用户为中心的设计方法. 以用户为中心的设计(UCD)是指关注最终用户的目标和期望的设计方法的集合. By asking the right questions, 这些方法可以帮助设计师根据用户期望如何使用产品来优化体验.

  • What does the credibility of a website mean?

    网站通常是任何人想要更多地了解一个公司的第一个接触点, small business/entrepreneur, an individual (writer, musician etc) and so on. Responsible for a person’s first impression, in order to be credible, it must come across as well-informed, discerning and trustworthy.

  • What is UX usability?

    Usability, a bedrock of great user experiences, 质量属性是用来评估用户界面使用的容易程度的吗. 一款应用是否有用是根据实用性和可用性来定义的. Utility provides users the features they need; usability is how easy and pleasant those features are to use.

  • What is the use of a chatbot?

    会话界面中使用的聊天机器人可用于产品推荐, to book a ticket, order food, offer help and so on. 聊天机器人通过使用计算机来完成对话的一端,模仿人类之间的对话.

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Miklos Philips

Miklos Philips

Verified Expert in Design

London, United Kingdom

Member since May 20, 2016

About the author

Miklos is a UX designer, product design strategist, author, 在设计领域拥有超过18年经验的演讲者.

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