
Showing 1-4 of 4 results


Unit Testing in Flutter: From Workflow Essentials to Complex Scenarios

Incorporate comprehensive unit testing into your Flutter project to ensure best practices and reduce bugs before—not after—the app’s release.

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Dacian Florea

Dacian Florea

Hybrid Power: Flutter Advantages and Benefits

Google’s Flutter framework has quickly caught on among developers who want to target Android and iOS from the same codebase—and businesses who know the value of a single project team yielding presence in both markets.

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Asad Jibran Ahmed

Asad Jibran Ahmed

Flutter Tutorial: How to Create Your First Flutter App

Google’s Flutter mobile SDK only recently made it to version 1.0, but it is already catching up with React Native in terms of market share. Flutter is also used to develop apps for Google’s upcoming Fuchsia OS.

In this article, Toptal Java Developer Nemanja Stosic demonstrates how to create a simple messaging app using Flutter and Firebase.

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Nemanja Stošić

Nemanja Stošić

How to Leverage BLoC for Code Sharing in Flutter and AngularDart

Code reuse turns lazy developers into efficient geniuses. Imagine if you could write the majority of your code once and run it on the web and native mobile—both iOS and Android.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Dart Developer Marko Perutović introduces us to the BLoC pattern, whereby you can isolate your business logic in pure Dart and reuse it in both Flutter and AngularDart.

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Marko Perutović

Marko Perutović

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