Alexey Dubrov, Developer in Warsaw, Poland
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Alexey Dubrov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Warsaw, Poland
Toptal Member Since
June 30, 2016

Alexey是一名拥有12年经验的高技能全栈开发人员. 他擅长使用Java、Scala、Node进行后端开发.js和Go,但也非常熟悉顶级前端技术. Although he has experience working with companies, 阿列克谢过去五年都是独立承包商, 从零开始创建产品,并为中小型团队做出贡献.


ITC Engineering
Kubernetes, Spring Boot, Java, RxJS, Angular, Node.js, Elasticsearch...
Anna Works
Firebase, TypeScript, Node.js
Zuvy, Inc.
Stripe, NestJS, TypeScript, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS)




Preferred Environment


The most amazing...

...thing I've built is a REST API that deletes text from TXT, DOC, or PDF content based on a collection of forbidden texts, taking mutation into consideration.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2023
ITC Engineering
  • 将一个旧的AngularJS模块移到支持新特性的Angular 2中.
  • 实现并支持DMS微服务,具有水平扩展的可能性,并集成Office365进行文档编辑.
  • 开发用于Dropbox和DMS之间同步的微服务.
技术:Kubernetes, Spring Boot, Java, RxJS, Angular, Node.js, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Microservices, Microservices Architecture, Redis, WebSockets, TypeScript

Back-end Developer

2020 - 2020
Anna Works
  • Integrated Nylas API for handling emails.
  • Added a neural JS library for text classification.
  • 实现了一个邮件分类解决方案,用于区分邮件求职申请.
Technologies: Firebase, TypeScript, Node.js

Back-end Developer

2019 - 2019
Zuvy, Inc.
  • Implemented REST API with geolocation using Node.js.
  • 集成条纹支付与取款的信用卡功能.
  • Prepared deployment to AWS.
Technologies: Stripe, NestJS, TypeScript, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Scala Software Developer

2018 - 2019
  • Extended GraphQL API and added new features.
  • 实现了一个发布和管理桌面应用程序版本的过程.
  • 修复了使用c++库(使用JNI)操作高清摄像机的问题.
  • 实现了自动检测新相机模型和相机设置的功能.
  • Fixed video live streaming from an HD camera.
技术:Jenkins, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, GraphQL, SBT, Play Framework, Akka, Scala

Java Software Developer

2018 - 2018
  • 为一个教育web应用程序设计REST API架构.
  • Implemented all back-end parts from scratch.
  • Covered everything with unit tests and integration tests.
  • Configured CI/CD pipelines.
  • Supported integrations and fixed bugs.
技术:MySQL, Hibernate, Spring Data, Spring Boot, Spring, Java

Lead Software Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Configured a Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm in DigitalOcean.
  • 增加了Prometheus集群和Grafana视图指标的指标.
  • 使用Node为加密货币支付网关开发API.js and Nest.js.
  • Integrated blockchain nodes (Bticoin, Litcoin, Dash, 在Kubernetes集群中进行健康检查和同步状态.
  • 为网站和公司需要的其他东西(邮件)提供全面的管理支持, domains, etc.).
Technologies: gRPC, Prometheus, Docker, Kubernetes, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Go, NestJS, TypeScript, React, Node.js, Microservices Architecture, WebSockets

Full-stack Scala Developer

2017 - 2018
  • 改进代码,使其更接近函数式风格,从而使代码更短、更清晰.
  • 修复了一些错误,并改进了应用程序安全性中的一些关键漏洞.
  • 实施了一个新产品,用于审查客户的面试问题和答案.
  • 对cruted座席的职业发展电话实施了新的日程安排系统.
  • Added new features to old products.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Play Framework, Scala

Scala Developer

2016 - 2016
  • 开发了一个代理,用于管理在网格系统上运行的作业.
  • Configured the environment on an AWS instance.
  • Added S3 AWS file upload/download support.
  • Configured the logging system for debugging.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenLava, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, Akka HTTP, Akka, Scala

Software Developer

2016 - 2016
Silicon Valley Software Group
  • Developed a text-analytics module for a survey platform.
  • Created a tool for exporting HTML graphics to PDF.
  • Configured usage of an NLP library.
  • Started developing a REST API for mobile applications.
技术:Apache Maven, AngularJS, Alfresco, Solr, Hibernate, Spring, Java

Software Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Developed the website using Grails.
  • Added a payment method for the scheduling system.
  • Deployed and managed the website on a Linux instance.
  • Configured Jenkins for continuous integration.
技术:Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, Gradle, Grails, Groovy

Java Developer

2015 - 2015
  • Worked on developing a web CMS in Java.
  • Configured usage of the DB for different domains.
技术:Jtwig, JavaScript, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring

Java Developer

2014 - 2015
Independent Client
  • 使用Grails框架实现了一个REST API,该API可以在Postfix邮件服务器上通过Perl脚本执行.
  • 创建了在Grails服务器上添加由Lucene索引的文本的功能.
  • 开发了一种算法,用于搜索另一个内容(文本)中的索引文本片段, Word doc, PDF) even if it was mutated.
  • 部署了Grails服务器,并配置了Postfix邮件服务器,以便在发送电子邮件时协同工作.
Technologies: Apache Lucene, REST, Postfix, Grails, Groovy

Java Developer

2012 - 2014
  • 实现多线程服务,像用户和Microsoft Exchange Server之间的中间层一样运行.
  • 从零开始为一家保险公司内部使用开发了一个web应用程序.
  • 将web应用程序与不同的数据源集成在一起,用于数据迁移.
  • 对web应用程序实现LDAP和Active Directory认证.
  • 开发了一套用于web应用程序的UI组件.
Technologies: Hibernate, JPA, Spring Data, Web Services, Swing, Apache Maven, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring, Java

Java Developer

2010 - 2012
  • 为他们开发了搜索公司和新闻稿的系统.
  • Configured a MySQL data source and Spring Security.
  • Worked on the UI using JSP.
  • 使用远程调用技术集成第三方系统.
技术:JavaScript, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Apache Maven, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Spring

Lead Software Developer

2006 - 2010
System Technologies
  • 为开发大型银行管理系统做出了贡献.
  • 开发了一个用于从块构建应用程序的框架, including UI components, configuration, and DB connectivity.
  • 在框架中集成了Lua脚本语言,用于复杂的交互.
  • 开发了一个用于从不同数据源迁移数据的Java工具.
  • 管理一个由三到四人组成的小开发团队.
技术:PL/SQL, Oracle, WinAPI, ActiveX, Lua, Delphi, JavaScript, Java


A cryptocurrency payment gateway.



A college marketplace for services.


TypeScript, Java 8, Scala, Groovy, Hibernate Query Language (HQL), JavaScript, Java, SQL, Delphi, Lua, GraphQL, Go


gRPC, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Spring, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), JUnit, Spring Boot, JPA, Express.js, Akka, AngularJS, WebFlux, Grails, Bootstrap, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), ActiveX, Spring Security, Swing, Play Framework, NestJS, Angular


JAX-WS, JAX-RS, Apache POI, Spring REST, jQuery UI, jQuery, JDBC, Node.. js, React, Akka Streams, Apache Lucene, WinAPI, Stripe, RxJS, Facebook API, iText


Apache Tomcat, Gradle, Apache Maven, SBT, NPM, Jetty, Solr, IDEA IDE, Git, Alfresco, Postfix, Jenkins, FreeMarker


Functional Programming, Design Patterns, Concurrent Programming, REST, Microservices, Microservices Architecture


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Linux, JavaFX, MacOS, Oracle, Amazon EC2, Blockchain, Ethereum, Docker, Firebase


PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Spring Data, Redis, PL/SQL, Amazon S3, Cassandra, Elasticsearch


Prometheus, WebSockets, Jtwig, Web Services, Akka HTTP, OpenLava, Bitcoin, Mathematics, Computer Security, Cryptography

2004 - 2009

Specialist's Degree in Computer Security

Belarusian State University - Belarus, Minsk

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