Andrej Kaurin,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那巴尼亚卢卡的开发者
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Andrej Kaurin

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Toptal Member Since
June 10, 2015

Andrej是一个有条理的、高度积极的、注重细节的问题解决者. 他在使用各种技术的web应用程序开发方面拥有13年的专业经验, covering both the back and front ends. Creating a great user experience through new, 创新的用户交互方式一直是他最大的热情所在.


Angular, NestJS, React, Flutter, PostgreSQL, CSS3, Material UI, HTML5...
PostgreSQL, Node.js, React, Storybook, CSS, HTML, CSS3, Pixel Perfect...
Mobile Guardian
Less, JavaScript, Redux, CSS3, Pixel Perfect,用户界面(UI), Angular...




Preferred Environment

Git, WebStorm, OS X, Jest, Pixel Perfect

The most amazing...


Work Experience


2018 - 2022
  • 将公司经验丰富的工程师团队从5人扩展到70多人.
  • 为常见的行业挑战创建了一个可重用组件框架,以实现快速开发.
  • 创建并支持工程团队,支持三家初创公司从0到超过1000万美元的价值.
Technologies: Angular, NestJS, React, Flutter, PostgreSQL, CSS3, Material UI, HTML5, Responsiveness, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, UI Design, Azure Active Directory, B2B, Single-page Applications (SPA), Figma, Front-end, REST, Full-stack, Architecture, Craft CMS, User Experience (UX), Web Design, Design, Salesforce, React Redux, Front-end Development, UX Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), MySQL, WebSockets, Component Libraries, RxJS

Software Engineer

2015 - 2019
  • 使用AWS Lambda设计了一个发票加载流程, S3, 和SQS,以支持成千上万的发票负载每天.
  • Created back-end architecture using Node.js、PostgreSQL和AWS服务来支持复杂的电信会计流程.
  • 建立一个CI/CD流程来交付日常部署.
  • 构建并开发了一个自定义UI框架,以快速开发新组件和页面.
Technologies: PostgreSQL, Node.js, React, Storybook, CSS, HTML, CSS3, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), Angular, AngularUI, HTML5, Mobile First, Responsiveness, Tailwind CSS, UI Design, Azure Active Directory, B2B, Single-page Applications (SPA), Figma, Front-end, REST, Full-stack, Architecture, User Experience (UX), Web Design, Design, Web UI, React Redux, Front-end Development, UX Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), MySQL, WebSockets, Component Libraries, RxJS

Front-end Engineer

2015 - 2016
Mobile Guardian
  • Created a responsive dashboard application.
  • Developed the core front-end framework.
  • Generated an automated build and publish system.
Technologies: Less, JavaScript, Redux, CSS3, Pixel Perfect,用户界面(UI), Angular, HTML5, Responsiveness, Azure Active Directory, B2B, Single-page Applications (SPA), Figma, Front-end, Architecture, User Experience (UX), Web Design, Design, Web UI, React Redux, Front-end Development, UX Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), MySQL, WebSockets, Component Libraries, RxJS

Full-stack Web Developer

2013 - 2015
  • 创建一个支持企业家学习和发展过程的社交平台.
Technologies: SCSS, Node.js, JavaScript, Responsive, CSS3, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), Angular, HTML5, Responsiveness, Azure Active Directory, Bootstrap, B2B, Single-page Applications (SPA), Figma, REST, Full-stack, Architecture, Web Design, Design, Web UI, React Redux, Front-end Development, MySQL, WebSockets, Component Libraries, RxJS

Front-end Developer

2010 - 2013
Procyon Media
  • 开发了基于网络的学习管理平台.
  • Created an eCommerce system selling digital goods.
  • 创建了一个基于网络的户外媒体规划和仓储后台.
Technologies: Knockout (Knockout.js), JavaScript, APIs, CSS3, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), Responsiveness, Azure Active Directory, ASP.NET, Bootstrap, B2B, Single-page Applications (SPA), Figma, Front-end, Web Design, Design, MySQL, WebSockets, Component Libraries

Web Developer

2007 - 2010
  • 创建了一个基于网络的运输物流应用程序.
  • Developed a web-based content management system.
技术:JavaScript, CSS3, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), Responsiveness, ASP.. NET, Bootstrap,单页应用程序(SPA), PHP,设计, .NET

.NET Web Developer

2006 - 2007
  • Developed a web content management system.
Technologies: Object-relational Mapping (ORM), JavaScript, CSS3, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), ASP.. NET, Bootstrap,单页应用程序(SPA),设计, .NET

Full Stack Engineer

2002 - 2006
Orange Solutions
  • 创建了基于网络的运输物流和仓储系统.
  • 创建了一个通用的学生和课程管理系统.
技术:JavaScript, CSS3,用户界面,ASP.NET, .NET

CloudAge | Telecom Management Software

Cloud Age provides telecom service providers, TEMs, enterprises, msp使用具有成本效益的SaaS解决方案自动化电信数据密集型流程,支持生命周期成本管理的商业智能,从而释放资源,专注于更高价值的活动.

Mobile Guardian - School Dashboard
Mobile Guardian的存在是为了提供移动设备MDM & protection, 帮助家长和学校有效管理智能手机和平板电脑, simply, and cost effectively. - Social Collaboration Platform

这个组织投资学生企业家解决重大问题,并帮助这些勇敢的创新者建立伟大的公司. 我的贡献包括创建一个商业模式, web API, and front-end framework, and leading the entire front-end team.

SelfNet – eCommerce Platform for Insurance

SelfNet是一个在英国为RSA保险公司创建门户网站的项目. 该软件是根据英国软件公司Bluewrasse的合同开发的. 我的贡献包括web门户实例的开发, 后端和前端架构的创建, and leading the web team.

Qusion - Content Management Framework

Qusion是一种先进的内容管理框架,用于满足开发人员和最终用户对网站或门户操作和管理的需求. 我的贡献包括核心理念的创造, development of the business model, and management of the development team.

LearningCubes - Learning Management System


Telerik SitFinity – Content Management System

Sitefinity是一个网站建设和管理的开发平台, community portals, and intranets. Inspired by Web 2.0 UIs, 该产品为最终用户提供了顶级体验, 而灵活的体系结构使开发人员能够完全控制. 我的贡献包括为各种控件创建规范, evaluation of ORM tools, and software development.

Transmission - OHR Transport System

我用c# /ASP编写了业务层和用户界面.. NET技术、XML、XSL、JavaScript、DHTML-a和CSS-a. 安全系统的开发和实现是基于应用模块的横向和纵向访问以及稳定性控制. 它具有GUI标准定义和模块协作定义.
2015 - 2016

Certified NLP Practitioner in NLP Practitioner


1995 - 1999

Technical High School Degree in Computer Science



Rutgers Mini MBA

Rutgers University


jQuery, React, React Redux, Node.jQuery UI, RxJS, AngularUI, Amazon EC2 API


Jira, GitHub, Git, Figma, WebStorm, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


Angular, NestJS, Bootstrap, Knockout (Knockout.js), Kendo UI, Redux, Jest, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, ASP.NET, .NET, Flutter, Material UI, Express.js


UI Design, REST, Scrum, Kanban, Responsive, B2B, UX Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


JavaScript, CSS, HTML, CSS3, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), SQL, Sass, Less, TypeScript, SCSS, PHP


Azure Active Directory, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB

Industry Expertise

Web Design


工艺CMS, OS X, MacOS, Windows,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), AWS Lambda, Salesforce


APIs, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), Mobile First, Responsiveness, Single-page Applications (SPA), Front-end, Full-stack, Architecture, User Experience (UX), Design, Front-end Development, WebSockets, Component Libraries, Storybook, Web UI

Collaboration That Works

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